#TITLE=ASP 3 ;Author: Michael G. Bronner ;Date: 03/20/2002 ;Document: ASP AutoCompletion File ;About: I created this file to assist my programming, especially with function syntax. ; However, some functionality might need to be adjusted, added, or eliminated in ; order to streamline its efficiency. I made an attempt to incorporate ALL possible ; keywors, objects, properties, methods, and events from ASP and VBScript. I ; eliminated all title-only elements from this list to eliminate redundancy. ; Please contact me at webmaster@emmgee.com if you have any questions or comments. ; Happy coding! ;-> #CASE=n #T=while While(^!) Wend #T=for For ^! Next #T=select Select Case (^!) Case Case Else End Select #T=do Do ^!() Loop #T=if If(^!) Then Enf if #T=sub Sub ^! End Sub #T=function Function ^!() End Function #T=Abs Abs (^!number) #T=Remove Remove (^!name|index) #T=StaticObjects StaticObjects (^!Key) #T=Array Array(^!arglist) #T=Asc Asc (^!string) #T=Atn Atn (^!number) #T=CBool CBool (^!expression) #T=CByte CByte (^!expression) #T=CCur CCur (^!expression) #T=CDate CDate (^!) #T=CDbl CDbl (^!expression) #T=Chr Chr (^!charcode) #T=CInt CInt (^!expression) clear #T=CLng CLng (^!expression) #T=Cos Cos (^!number) #T=CreateObject CreateObject (^!servername.typename[, location]) #T=CSng CSng (^!expression) #T=CStr CStr (^!expression) #T=DateAdd DateAdd (^!interval, number, date) #T=DateDiff DateDiff (^!interval, date1, date2[, firstdayofweek[, firstweekofyear]]) #T=DatePart DatePart (^!interval, date[, firstdayofweek[, firstweekofyear]]) #T=DateSerial DateSerial (^!year, month, day) #T=DateValue DateValue (^!date) #T=Day Day (^!date) #T=Eval Eval (^!expression) #T=Exp Exp (^!number) #T=CompareMode CompareMode^![ = compare] #T=Count #T=Item Item (^!key)[ = newitem] #T=Key Key (^!key) = newkey #T=Add Add (^!key, item) #T=Exists Exists (^!key) #T=Items #T=Keys #T=Remove Remove (^!key) #T=VolumeName VolumeName^![ = newname] #T=Move Move (^!destination) #T=OpenAsTextStream OpenAsTextStream (^!mode, format) #T=BuildPath BuildPath (^!path, name) #T=CopyFile CopyFile (^!source, destination[, overwrite]) #T=CopyFolder CopyFolder (^!source, destination[, overwrite]) #T=CreateFolder CreateFolder (^!name) #T=DeleteFile DeleteFile (^!filename[, force]) #T=DeleteFolder DeleteFolder (^!foldername[, force]) #T=DriveExists DriveExists (^!drive) #T=FileExists FileExists (^!filename) #T=FolderExists FolderExists (^!foldername) #T=GetAbsolutePathName GetAbsolutePathName (^!path) #T=GetBaseName GetBaseName (^!path) #T=GetDrive GetDrive (^!drivespec) #T=GetDriveName GetDriveName (^!path) #T=GetExtensionName GetExtensionName (^!path) #T=GetFile GetFile (^!path) #T=GetFileName GetFileName (^!path) #T=GetFolder GetFolder (^!path) #T=GetParentFolderName GetParentFolderName (^!path) #T=GetSpecialFolder GetSpecialFolder (^!foldername) #T=GetTempName #T=MoveFile MoveFile (^!source, destination) #T=MoveFolder MoveFolder (^!source, destination) #T=OpenTextFile OpenTextFile (^!fname, mode, create, format) #T=Filter Filter (^!inputstrings, value[, include[, compare]]) #T=Fix Fix (^!number) #T=Attributes Attributes^![ = newattributes] #T=Copy Copy (^!destination[, overwrite]) #T=CreateTextFile CreateTextFile (^!filename[, overwrite[, unicode]]) #T=Delete Delete^![(force)] #T=Name Name^![ = newname] #T=FormatCurrency FormatCurrency (^!Expression[, NumDigAfterDec[, IncLeadingDig[, UseParForNegNum[, GroupDig]]]]) #T=FormatDateTime FormatDateTime (^!date, format) #T=FormatNumber FormatNumber (^!Expression[, NumDigAfterDec[, IncLeadingDig[, UseParForNegNum[, GroupDig]]]]) #T=FormatPercent FormatPercent (^!Expression[, NumDigAfterDec[, IncLeadingDig[, UseParForNegNum[, GroupDig]]]]) #T=GetLocale #T=GetObject GetObject (^![pathname][, class]) #T=GetRef GetRef (^!procname) #T=Hex Hex (number) #T=Hour Hour (^!time) #T=InputBox InputBox (^!prompt[, title][, default][, xpos][, ypos][, helpfile, context]) #T=InStr InStr (^![start,] string1, string2[, compare]) #T=InStrRev InStrRev (^!string1, string2[, start[, compare]]) #T=Int Int (^!number) #T=IsArray IsArray (^!variable) #T=IsDate IsDate (^!expression) #T=IsEmpty IsEmpty (^!expression) #T=IsNull IsNull (^!expression) #T=IsNumeric IsNumeric (^!expression) #T=IsObject IsObject (^!expression) #T=Join Join (^!list[, delimiter]) #T=LBound LBound (^!arrayname[, dimension]) #T=LCase LCase (^!string) #T=Left Left (^!string, length) #T=Len Len (^!string|varname) #T=LoadPicture LoadPicture (^!picturename) #T=Log Log (^!number) #T=LTrim LTrim (^!string) #T=Mid Mid (^!string, start[, length]) #T=Minute Minute (^!time) #T=Month Month (^!date) #T=MonthName MonthName (^!month[, abbreviate]) #T=MsgBox MsgBox (^!prompt[, buttons][, title][, helpfile, context]) #T=Oct Oct (^!number) #T=Replace Replace (^!string, find, replacewith[, start[, count[, compare]]]) #T=BinaryRead BinaryRead (^!count) #T=Cookies Cookies (^!name)[(key)|.attribute] #T=Form Form (^!element)[(index)|.Count] #T=QueryString QueryString (^!variable)[(index)|.Count] #T=ServerVariables ServerVariables (^!server_variable) #T=AddHeader AddHeader (^!name, value) #T=AppendToLog AppendToLog (^!string) #T=BinaryWrite BinaryWrite (^!data) #T=Buffer Buffer^![ = flag] #T=ChacheControl CacheControl^![ = control_header] #T=ContentType Charset (^!charsetname) #T=End #T=Expires Expires^![=number] #T=ExpiresAbsolute ExpiresAbsolute^![=[date][time]] #T=Flush #T=IsClientConnected IsClientConnected #T=Pics Pics (^!picslabel) #T=Redirect Redirect ^!url #T=Status Status = ^!statusdescription #T=RGB RGB (^!red, green, blue) #T=Right Right (^!string, length) #T=Rnd Rnd^![(number)] #T=Round Round (^!expression[, numdecimalplaces]) #T=RTrim RTrim (^!string) #T=Second Second (^!time) #T=CodePage CodePage^![=Codepage] #T=Contents Contents (^!Key) #T=LCID LCID^![=LCID] #T=Timeout Timeout^![=nMinutes] #T=Execute Execute (^!path) #T=HTMLEncode HTMLEncode (^!string) #T=MapPath MapPath (^!path) #T=ScriptTimeout ScriptTimeout^![=NumSeconds] #T=Transfer Transfer (^!path) #T=URLEncode URLEncode (^!string) #T=SetLocale SetLocale (^!lcid) #T=Sgn Sgn (^!number) #T=Sin Sin (^!number) #T=Space Space (^!number) #T=Split Split (^!expression[, delimiter[, count[, compare]]]) #T=Sqr Sqr (^!number) #T=StrComp StrComp (^!string1, string2[, compare]) #T=String String (^!number, character) #T=StrReverse StrReverse (^!string) #T=Tan Tan (^!number) #T=Read Read (^!numchar) #T=Skip Skip (^!numchar) #T=Write Write (^!text) #T=WriteLine WriteLine (^!text) #T=WriteBlankLines WriteBlankLines (^!numlines) #T=TimeSerial TimeSerial(^!hour, minute, second) #T=TimeValue TimeValue (^!time) #T=Trim Trim (^!string) #T=TypeName TypeName (^!varname) #T=UBound UBound (^!arrayname[, dimension]) #T=UCase UCase (^!string) #T=VarType VarType (^!varname) #T=WeekDay Weekday (^!date[, firstdayofweek]) #T=WeekDayName WeekdayName (^!weekday[, abbreviate[, firstdayofweek]]) #T=Year Year (^!date)